De Lindar's Persians CFA reg. cattery
De Lindar's Persians   CFA reg. cattery

!!!  NEWS  !!!


It is with a heavy heart that I have to close my cattery. Please take a look around and let me know if you are interested in one of my cats.





My name is Jelena and I have a small Persian cattery in Germany.

 I breed Persians  in the colors:  Solid and particolor.  My quite special love belongs

to the color white.  All my cats are living with

us as family members und they have also the own cat room,

kitten-nursery  and quarantine room, if one of them will be sick.

No cage breeding!

From time to time we offer through-inoculated and room-pure young animals

for respectable breeders and lovers  for adoption. If you want to know more about my cattery,

please contact me! 

I breed persians according  to CFA standard. If  you are not sure that CFA standard

suits your requirements, maybe a De Lindar's cat is not the right choice for you.

There are very many very good breeders who breed cats in other standards.

I whish you much success to find the right cat!



My beloved cats get the wonderful products (high quality food supplements),

which help to support the health.

If you need more informations about them, feel free to ask!                                                                                             







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